Is your life missing a little boredom? | Prairie Craft Almanac Podcast

If you read my last newsletter, you know I’m updating my schedule a bit…or attempting to, anyway! I plan on publishing one podcast each month, and one DIY video if I can. (No, the video didn’t happen for January…ha.)

But, there is a January podcast (and yes, I’m getting it posted late to the blog!) In this episode, I’ll catch you up on what’s been going on, talk about my new Baby Lock Vibrant serger, share a new favorite garden resource, and more. You can take a listen to the January episode of Prairie Craft Almanac by clicking here.

Here are the links from the show notes, which you can also find wherever you’re listening to the podcast:

Newsletter sign up:
Leanne’s Art Lab (art videos):
Chonky Cap – Free Knitting Pattern:
Monarch Gardens, an awesome resource for midwesterners who are interested in land stewardship and converting lawns into native prairie:
Milk the Weed, the facebook page for Monarch Gardens:

Prairie Craft Almanac Podcast
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