Late May 2021 Garden Update & Tour

This past May was very rainy and a little cooler than normal…it’s nice that most of Kansas is not in a drought right now (not always the case), but sadly, the sudden rain also resulted in a lot of flooding in the western part of the state. Things are starting to dry out now, and I was able to get into the garden a couple weeks ago and film a little tour/update, as seen at the bottom of this post.

Beautiful, elegant, YUMMY snow peas

I also wanted to just write down some of my garden notes here. I’m still the worst at journaling, so I want to utilize this blog as a kind of journal, too, because, well…wasn’t that one of my intentions in the first place?!? (Really, one of these days I’ll get it together. I think.)

Anyway, the onions and leeks are looking beautiful. We enjoyed some onions the other day cooked up with some of the delicious snow peas, which were finally ready…I wasn’t sure if some of them would snap back after the rabbits ate them down, but goodness, they have come back!

A lovely tangle of snow peas

The potatoes and beets are also looking beautiful, and we harvested some of those as well. We’ll leave most of the potatoes until the beginning of July, but every now and then I love some new potatoes. I’ve heard people say, “is there really much difference between store-bought potatoes and homegrown?” Holy moly…yes. There is a HUGE difference, and once you try a homegrown potato, you’ll wonder how you could have ever asked! Oh, and this reminds me that I should be planting more beets so we can have a steady stream of them throughout the summer…there is nothing quite like a simple, delicious dinner of roasted roots.

We have got so many tomato plants in the ground. I got carried away with buying seeds, but there were two heirloom cherry tomato varieties that I thought looked especially gorgeous and couldn’t resist! We have a small row of green beans that is looking good…as well as four rows of sweet corn, which I think I may have planted too closely, but I really just wanted to get that fourth row in!!

Left to right: leeks and onions, beets, potatoes

This past Wednesday I finally got the cotton and okra seeds in the ground…I got around to this a little later than I had wanted to, but it’s still not too late. And what I’m calling my “herb garden” (though it’s mostly non-edible flowers with some basil and fennel here and there) is not exactly thriving. I think it got planted at a bad time, right before all the rain, and perhaps things got a little too much moisture. The sunn hemp was doing well, until something at it all off! I hope to replant some things on Monday.

You can see the video tour here:

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