New site, same me!

As you may be able to tell, I’ve been neglectful of this blog for a long time, and in general, haven’t made much time for creating…

And when I do? It usually tends toward “art”, and not so much craft.

But I’m not done with craft…I really do want to get back into it more. And I also want to keep focusing on art! And also, really–I can’t say which direction I’ll want to go in the future!

There is something I am sure of, though. And that’s that I don’t want to give up creating and making and sharing online. I need to keep a blog. But at the same time, I’m not keeping this one up very well. I’ve done a lot of thinking about this, and I’ve decided I’m creating a new website and blog.

All the patterns from this site will be over on the new blog. And whenever I come up with new DIY & craft projects, I’ll post those there, too. But I’ll also be posting art stuff. And other random projects. And pretty much anything I feel like posting!

The focus will be…well, just less focused. (But hopefully no less helpful!) I’ve had been some difficult situations going on this year, which have resulted in a lot less time to create, so I can’t promise much activity on the new site yet, either. But it’s finally in place, and once I am able to create more, I’ll be sharing there.

I hope you’ll check it out if you get a moment! You can visit it at and don’t hesitate to let me know what you think or what you’ll like to see over there!

Sometime in July or August, Moth and Rust DIY blog will be no more. However, I will be keeping all the Moth and Rust socials up, as well as the YouTube channel.

If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to ask…and I hope to see you there!

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