This is terrifying…(my October plan!)

I can’t believe I’m doing this right now. I know better. But here we go anyway…

I’m going to tell you my intentions for October, and I’m sure I’ll regret it, because now you can hold me accountable if (when??) I don’t follow through! (insert laughing emoji…)

Firstly–I’m going to try my best to focus on Artober. Artober is something I did think of myself, but unsurprisingly, I’m not the first, second, or even third person to think of it…look under #artober on any platform, and you’ll find lots and lots of stuff!!

But for my purposes, Artober is simply about making art (almost) every day in October. I will take breaks. I will probably skip a few days in a row. It’s not about making finished, perfect pieces, either. But I’m going to do my best. The whole point of this is to exercise my creative muscles…and have fun! I hope you’ll join in with me…and if you do and want to share, please tag me!

My other October goal is to make a couple vlogs sharing the process…hopefully, I will get the first one published next weekend.

One more goal is to get some new original, one-of-a-kind pieces made. I’ve been struggling with things breaking lately, including my serger! So, I’ve been behind on custom orders, but that’s finally getting straightened out.

And one last thing: I hope to be more regular from now on when it comes to keeping you updated. Oof.

Here’s to following through…and THANK YOU for bearing with me! Let me know what YOU want to see/hear/make, and I’ll do my best to help!!

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