New episode of Prairie Craft Almanac, updates, and thinking ’bout thinking…

I recently saw a meme that really spoke to me…it read, “Adulthood is saying, ‘but after this week things will slow down a bit’ over and over until you die.”

Art at the Maize Clair Donnelly Amphitheater in Kansas!

Though I don’t think I qualify as an actual adult, this is possibly the most relatable thing ever.  I realize it’s been a little while since I’ve done much of anything here on the blog (or on YouTube, or the podcast).  I realized I would be doing less, since garden season is in full swing, but I didn’t really mean to quit doing stuff altogether.

Of course, I’ve been spending time focusing on Art at the Amphitheater which, as I mentioned a while back, was such wonderful show!  (One regret I have is that I didn’t even get to go around and look at all the booths.  So, sadly, I don’t have any photos or footage or anything from the actual event, aside from one photo I posted before it started.)

I’ve also been spending a lot of time in the garden, as predicted, and doing the regular sewing stuff…

And, I’m rethinking the way I think about my “content”…I talk about this and everything I mention above in this week’s episode of Prairie Craft Almanac, which you can listen to here, or on any of your favorite platforms.  (Yes, finally, after more than two months, a new episode!!)  Hopefully it won’t be that long next time… 😉

Art (& craft) at the Amphitheater, and thinking about the way I think about things… Prairie Craft Almanac

Oh my, it's been a little while again…!  Today I'm talking about the craft show I was organizing and how that went, chat a bit about how Me-Made-May went, give an update on the garden, and discuss how I want to go from here… The book I started reading – How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy by Jenny Odell – – – –  Thank you for spending time with Prairie Craft Almanac, a podcast exploring craft, nature, and simple, creative living–hosted by me, Leanne! I'm also the creator behind Moth and Rust DIY, the blog where I share free patterns, tutorials, artist interviews, and more. To check them out, as well as sign up for my newsletter or get in touch, visit: You can also follow me on: Instagram: Facebook: TikTok: Check out my YouTube channel at If you're interested in supporting me and this show, please check out my Etsy shop where you can find handmade accessories, clothing, patterns, art, and more: You can also shop my original fabric prints and more here:
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