What’s up!?

Ooof…it has been a minute. This may be the longest time I’ve gone without really posting anything. I have been resisting the temptation to do any of these “check in” posts, but I feel like it’s been sooo long, some type of contact is in order!

Mostly, it’s been the same ol’, but one new and very exciting thing I’ve been working on is an event coming up on Saturday, July 16 at the new amphitheater in Maize, Kansas.

Art at the Amphitheater is going to be one fantastic time! We have so many amazing artists and makers signed up for this…this will be the first event of its kind in this new venue, and I’m so honored to be able to have a part in it.

I sure hope to get back to regularly blogging, posting patterns, and working on the podcast…I don’t know exactly how soon that might happen, but hopefully soon. Maybe after July 16? 😉

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