Call for Local Artists! (Maize/Wichita, KS)

I’m so very excited to be organizing another maker event…it sure has been a while!

This is a pretty special event, too, and a bit different from past Craftacular events. Art at the Amphitheater is not only an outdoor, summer event, but I’m also planning it allll in less than TWO MONTHS. Kind of scary, but honestly, it’s already starting to come together in a really wonderful way! This is a great opportunity to utilize the beautiful new Amphitheater in Maize. I know this space is going to be an incredible asset to the community, and I can’t wait to share it.

The event will be held the morning (10am-1pm) of Saturday, July 16, and again, it is outdoors. Exhibitors will need to bring all their own tables, booths, canopies, etc. However, another really special aspect of this show is that it is FREE to be a vendor!

If you are an artist, crafter, maker, food truck person, or gardener or grower in the area, please consider applying! You can find the application linked here. Even if you can’t make it as a vendor, I hope you’ll be able to join as a spectator, enjoy some good vibes, and hang out with other creatives! You can see the event page on facebook and invite friends here.

If you have questions or ideas…just get in touch!

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