Pumpkin Pouch – DIY Sewing Pattern & Tutorial

This whimsical pumpkin pouch is perfect for this most whimsical season. Available in two different styles, you can download the pattern for free below. Follow the illustrated instructions here to find out how to make your own sweet little pumpkin zipper purse!

Download the Free Templates

Materials Needed

First, gather your materials. You will need:

  • Printed pattern (see above)
  • Fabric for the outside of the pumpkin: medium to heavy weight fabrics like canvas, upholstery fabric, denim, etc. work well, but you can also use cotton calico, taffeta, velvet
  • Lining fabric: muslin, cotton, etc., or heavier fabric like canvas if your outer fabric is lightweight
  • Green Scraps for the leaf pull
  • Felt for eyes & mouth
  • Zipper (4″ zipper for the small pumpkin, 8″ zipper for the large pumpkin)
  • Embroidery floss, thread

Instructions for Sewing

First, cut out your pattern pieces; you will need two outer pieces, two lining pieces, two leaf pieces, two felt eyes and one felt mouth.

Next, draw out your lines (figure 1), either freehand or using the template. Anchor your embroidery floss (fig.2-3) and begin stitching.

Use a chain stitch to create the lines (fig. 4).

Once you’ve completed all the lines, position the mouth and eyes (fig. 5) and pin down. Attach using a blanket stitch, straight stitch, or any stitch of your choosing! The back will probably look like fig. 6, and that’s okay! You won’t see it because of the lining.

Now you’re ready to attach the zipper. Lay pumpkin face up, with zipper face up; flip zipper down so that the top of the zipper is touching the front of the pumpkin (fig. 7). Now, take one of your lining pieces and lay it over the zipper and the front of the pumpkin, aligning the edges (fig. 8). Pin and stitch across, using a 1/2′ seam allowance.

After stitching, when you open your two pieces up and fold back, it should look like the first image below; now take the back of the pumpkin and align it with the zipper tape so that the right sides of your front and back are touching (fig.9). Flip it around so that the back piece is on the bottom, then lay your other lining piece over (fig. 10), aligning the tops in the same way as before, and stitch.

Now flip the lining up and make sure your zipper is unzipped (fig. 11). Fold over so that right sides are touching (fig. 12) and stitch all around, leaving an opening about 3″-4″ wide at the bottom of the lining. At this point you can turn your pouch right side out and stitch the bottom closed.

To make the leaf zipper pull, place the two leaf pieces right sides together, and stitch around, using a 3/8″ seam allowance. Leave a small opening (fig. 13). Trim the edges and clip the points (fig. 14). Turn right side out (fig. 15).

Now stitch the opening shut (fig. 16) and sew to zipper pull.

Now, enjoy! These are perfect for holding makeup, jewelry, tools and notions, or any little thing you need to keep organized. They can be as fancy or as rustic as you like, depending on the fabric and colors you use.

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