Why I do what I do: Moth and Rust DIY Mission Series, Part 1

Every now and then, I think it’s a good idea to stop and reflect on why you’re doing what you’re doing.  It’s easy to get so busy, so distracted, or so burnt out —or possibly all three—that it’s hard to recall your original intention.

I certainly feel like I’m at a point where I need to articulate my purpose and goals, “out loud,” right now.  I also thought it might be helpful if I shared these thoughts.  This is the first part of a small series; my hope is that not only will sharing help me feel accountable, but that I might also inspire anyone else who is in need of refocusing.

Though I do enjoy it, blogging doesn’t come naturally to me; it’s one of those things that just doesn’t get done unless I very intentionally make time for it (and that seems to rarely happen.)

But I began this blog because I do want to share what I know, and also what I’m learning.  I want to document.  I want to (if possible!) inspire others.  And I also want to showcase the creative work of others.  

I’m a crafter, artist, maker, etc.   I have a wide variety of interests, but here I mostly focused on sewing, knitting, and gardening (which I consider a craft of sorts—I’ll be discussing this more in another post.) I hope to expand to writing on other topics eventually.

I think practicing your creativity is as important for your wellbeing as getting exercise and good food and sleep, but unlike these things, not everyone believes they have the capacity for creativity.  But everyone does!!  This creativity doesn’t always manifest itself in the same way, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there.

This creativity, craftsmanship, making things with your hands—it’s not just something enjoyable to do, but has so many other implications, not just for the individual, but for entire communities.

So it’s important for me to encourage it however possible, through providing patterns, sharing tutorials, showcasing other artists and makers, providing resources, and so on. 

I want everyone to know they’re creative, and that their creativity matters.  I want to be supportive and help people, in my very small way, to reach their creative goals. 

Now through part of October, I’ll be writing more in depth about how and why creativity is important to me, the community, and the whole world. If you feel like you’ve lost sight of your mission, I’d encourage you to try writing your own series of why you create!  It could be a series of blog posts like this, or take the form of journal entries.  Whatever you choose, I’d love to know if you decide to take the challenge.  


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