Candy Corn Art Doll | Free Pattern & Tutorial

Sure, candy corn can be a polarizing topic…but whether you love or hate the Halloween holiday confection, can we all agree that this plush candy corn doll is pretty darn sweet?!

You can make your own candy corn doll at home using this free template and the photo tutorial below:

Instructional illustrations for the free candy corn doll tutorial by Moth and Rust DIY & Handmade


1. Cut three strips of fabric; the top/white fabric should measure 2″ wide, the middle/”orange” (or red, in this case) fabric should measure 2.25″ wide, and the bottom/yellow fabric should measure 3″ wide; each strip should be about 10.75″ long. Stitch the strips together with a 1/4″ seam allowance.

2. Cut out two pieces using the candy corn body template. Your pieces should look like those in step 3. Now, put right sides together (4) and stitch around the edges using a 3/8″ seam allowance; leave the square bottom notches unstitched, and leave a couple inches unstitched at the bottom (5).

6. Fold the square notches so that the front edges are together and the back edges are together; stitch across (7). Your piece should look like that in figure 8.

Instructional illustrations for the free candy corn doll tutorial by Moth and Rust DIY & Handmade

9. With the bottom seam still open, turn the body right side out. It should look like figure 10.

11. Stuff the candy corn with either fiber fill (left), fabric scraps (right), or a mix of both. The fabric scraps do create a more heavy, solid body, perfect for art dolls. Now your corn should look like the image in step 12.

Instructional illustrations for the free candy corn doll tutorial by Moth and Rust DIY & Handmade

13. Use a ladder stitch or whip stitch to close the bottom seam.

14. Cut out 4 leg pieces using the template.

15. Place right sides together and sew up the two legs. You should leave an opening of about 1.5′ at one side. Clip the curves (16), careful to not cut the seam.

Instructional illustrations for the free candy corn doll tutorial by Moth and Rust DIY & Handmade

17. Turn your leg pieces right side out, and stuff. Stitch seams shut with whipstitch as shown in figure 18.

19. Anchor thread to side of body where the legs will attach, and (20) stitch legs to side.

Instructional illustrations for the free candy corn doll tutorial by Moth and Rust DIY & Handmade

21. This step can be optional, but I find your doll will sit up better if the legs are tacked together at the feet. Sew together in one spot as shown in figure 22-23.

24. Draw your face, and then stitch it on (25) using black thread.

Now you have your own precious candy corn doll! I would love to make a ton of these in different fall colors and variations…as I mentioned earlier, tiny fabric scraps are great for stuffing art dolls, which makes them an eco-friendly project. What better way to use seemingly unusable scraps?!

Free Pattern & Photo Instructional Tutorial for sewing a sweet candy corn doll!  Perfect for Halloween or any time of year...
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