The White Peacock: Interview with Tayla Naden, Artist & Owner

Originally published February 2017.

Today I am trilled to bring you an interview with Tayla Naden, artist, entrepreneur, and owner of The White Peacock Tea and Coffee Company in the lovely town of Lindsborg, KS.  I’ve been a fan of Tayla’s work for years and am truly excited about her latest venture.  Read more here, then visit for yourself!

M&R: Can you tell us a bit about your background and previous work?
Tayla:  Oh goodness, I have quite the varied background!  But when I think about it, I would say it has all focused around creative work and customer service.  I went to school for Web Design with the Art Institutes and fell in love with online branding and design.  My “big girl jobs” were mainly in retail management and marketing before I took the plunge and started my own business, WildFire Studio – where I made jewelry, in 2012.  It wasn’t until 2016 that I decided it was time to move on.

What made you decide to purchase a coffee shop? 
In May of 2016, I could feel WildFire winding down and wanted to move on to something else.  I knew I didn’t want the typical 9-5 but had no idea what direction I was headed.  So, I was lucky enough to pick up a part-time position at one of my favorite stops in Lindsborg, The White Peacock.  I had been using The Peacock as a mobile office for close to a year already so it was an easy decision to try and Fill the Gaps between projects there.  I became friends with the owner and found out the shop was for sale.  The rest was history!  I purchased the Peacock that July.

I know you have handmade items for sale; what kind of things do you currently carry?
We do have some handmade items!  I carry the penny jewelry I made during my WildFire days at the shop, along with some felt succulents that I’ve been playing around with.  We also carry embroidered tea towels, hand-dyed scarves, illustrated coffee mugs, and more!  The shop has a quirky, creative vibe, so we have a quirky and creative selection of handmade goods. 🙂  Each month, we also have a featured artist who often has their art work for sale.  From February 10th-March 9th 2017, we’ll have our community sourced Heart Art up!  20+ artists have contributed so far.

What’s are your favorite drink and food offerings?
My personal favorite drink at the moment is our “Dark Chocolate Covered Strawberry Mocha.”  It is amazing!  We’re always coming up with new drink recipes though, and I’m always picking out new favorites.  We also offer breakfast and lunch, but I’ve always been partial to our cinnamon rolls that are made right down the street at The Courtyard Bakery.

What seems to be most popular with customers?
Hands down, the Black Forest Mocha.  Once you have it, you’ll never go back. ​

​What is the most satisfying part of running the shop?
I’m probably what you would call a serial entrepreneur.  I get excited about the big picture when it comes to organizing, managing, and promoting a business.  But if I were to pick one thing, it’s that The White Peacock attracts such an interesting and creative crowd.  I get to share my projects with my customers and they share theirs with me.  It’s this constant flow of creative energy in here that I love the most.

 What do you find the most challenging?
MONEY!  Oh, my…  I think that is a pretty typical answer, but managing our budget is the most challenging for me.  With WildFire, I was a one person show, meaning that if we were short one month, there was only myself to blame and myself to face the consequences.  Now I have employees and customers and we’ve got to stay stocked all the time…  I’m feeling much more comfortable compared to when I purchased the business in July, but I think it will always be the most challenging aspect.

How do you hope The White Peacock will influence others in your community?

I hope that The White Peacock provides a space where you can come in, get yourself a delicious treat (that you can feel good purchasing – we’re all fair trade and organic and we use local Hildebrand milk!), and become inspired to do whatever it is you love to do.  I try to keep the atmosphere bright and ever-changing and the community involved with small projects happening all the time.

How does your local community influence you?
I may be a little biased, but Lindsborg is the best small town out there.  The community is full of people who really care about their town and the people in it.  Each week, I get together with a group of business owners and residents to discuss what’s happening, how we can promote each other, and how we can provide a better experience to our visitors.  Everyone is so inclusive and helpful.

The White Peacock is located at 124 S Main Street in Lindsborg, KS.  You can follow them on Instagram and Facebook, and visit their website at 

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